

[And welcome to my little blog.]

I'm Amanda! So happy you are here. Grab a glass of wine, read along, and let's be friends.

My new sneakers will inspire me to work out...

Monday, April 18, 2011
Or at least that's what I've spent the last day and a half convincing myself of.  I don't know about you guys, but my activity lately has marveled that of a hibernating bear.  The warm weather has prompted a few tank tops which have just increased the urgency to buck this terrible trend. 

Maybe I can blame my five year old Nike shocks shoes on my lack of activity?  OK, probably not, but I have had the same pair of tennis shoes since before Kevin and I met.  Probably ready for a new pair.  So yesterday Kevin and I both picked out a pair off zappos.com.  Here they are.

As soon as I put this collage together I realized how similar Kevin and I's shoes look.  You know how old married couples start to look creepily more similar as they get older, well I think Kevin and I have taken the first step down that path.  Here's the link to Kevin's new shoes and here's the link to mine.

Have you guys ever shopped on zappos.com before?  If you like shoes, you HAVE to check it out.  They have literally thousands of shoes, and the best part is its free shipping.  If you don't like them you can ship them back (for free!).  I even used zappos to pick my wedding shoes.  I ordered five pairs of ivory flats before I found the most comfortable ivory flats in the world, then I sent the other four pairs back. 

And the best part is that Zappos customer service is absolutely amazing.  Zappos was ranked as the #6 place to work and they are currently hiring in Las Vegas and Shepardsville, Kentucky.  On their website they write:  "Cover letters are sooooo old-fashioned, don't you think? Show us who you are with a cover letter VIDEO!"  How cool is that?

Oh, and I found an awesome band to help out with my work out blues.  They're called Girl Talk.  Shout out to Mark Rosburg and Emily Harnden!  I'd never really listened to this band before, but Mark and Emily were totally right.  They're amazing.  They take a bunch of songs ranging from everything from the most recent rap hits to the classic oldies and they mix them together into some really cool music conglomerations.  If this music doesn't make you want to do some kickboxing in your living room, then I don't know what will.  Anybody have any workout tips?  Something besides P90X... I lasted about 8 days on P90X...


Danny said...

I check out zappos all the time. I even applied for a job in Vegas about a year ago. The thing I have noticed is that zappos prices are usually higher. I try to find the shoes I like, then google that model to see if I can find them cheaper on other websites. You really cant beat the shipping and returns though. I recommend piperlime.com as well. I have had nothing but great experiences through them.

Amanda said...

Love the comment :) Yeah, it's always a good idea to check around on the prices... I was so excited to buy these that I forgot the cardinal rule. Shop around. Looks like these are on sale at Sports Authority for $50 rather than the $65 I paid for them. Darn it, darn it! I guess I could always return and buy from Sports Authority. I just got them in the mail today and they're pretty sweet. I'll have to check out piperlime. Thanks for the suggestion.

Stacie said...

I LOVE the shoes - very cute - very you! Mine are about on their last leg...

Oh and if you're interested, Brad and I get up at 4:45 every morning and go to the gym. So if it would help, I could call you when we get there at 5am or when we leave at 7am and make sure you are up and working out! ;) Actually it's my first week waking up and going to the gym with him and I'm miserable. I love it when I get there and I am more awake and focused throughout the day, but waking up is a bitch every morning. Brad claims I'll get used to it...I say he's a liar.

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh. I don't know how you do it. I can't even drag by butt to work by 8:00 let alone go to the gym BEFORE work. You're my hero.

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