

[And welcome to my little blog.]

I'm Amanda! So happy you are here. Grab a glass of wine, read along, and let's be friends.

Fisherman's Wharf and Alcatraz... San-Fran-CISCO

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sunday, March 27th, was our last full day in San Francisco, and after two very full days of sight seeing we decided it was time to sleep in and relax a bit.  Kevin and his dad walked over to the corner store and bought stuff to make for breakfast.  Eggs, potatoes, bagels and fruit.  Rose and I lounged around in our pj's while the boys made breakfast.  It was nice to have some home-cooked food after eating out for over a week.

Here's a picture.  Forgive the piece of egg on the strawberry.  I was going to photoshop it out, and then I thought, who cares?  Life isn't perfect, and neither should the pictures.

We got on the bus a little after 12:30 and headed for the Fisherman's Wharf

Fisherman's Wharf was a total tourist trap.  It was sort of like an amusement park... without amusement rides...   BUT, I did really enjoy checking out the sea lions that live on Pier 39.  I guess sea lions started showing up in the late eighties and have been hanging out on the wharf ever since.  They make the funniest sounds and look so weird when they try to move around on the docks.  Since this trip Kevin has taken to calling me a sea lion.  For example, he'll say things like "wake up sea lion, time to go to work," or "hurry up sea lion" or "you smell like a sea lion"

Pier 39 from Amanda Kohler on Vimeo.

After Pier 39 we had a late lunch on the bay then went to Pier 33 to depart for the Alcatraz night tour.  As soon as we got on the boat to take us to Alcatraz it got pretty foggy and started misting.  Looks pretty creepy, huh?  I thought the Alcatraz tour was interesting, and worth doing, but if I'm honest I think I may have actually enjoyed the sea lions more.  :)

 The next day we headed back for Omaha.  At the airport, Kevin managed to squeeze in some iPad time while I squeezed in one last glass of wine before our vacation came to an end.

When we landed in Omaha at 11:00 p.m. we were greeted by our beautiful Nebraska weather... snow.  Ugh. 

So there you have it.  Seven blog posts about our travels.  Thanks for reading.  Here are all the links:


Stacie said...

I loved the videos of the sea lions. It figures though...we are so much like the animal kingdom. When everyone's resting and trying to get some sun, there is always ONE guy who just can't shut up. If I were the sea lion next to the noisemaker, I'd have bitch slapped him. :) Looks like you guys had a blast - so fun!

Anonymous said...

haha! I know. They were so funny

Anonymous said...

I thought the sea lions all left the wharf...Hm. they must have returned... Ann

Amanda said...

Maybe they left and came back? Who knows! They were fun to see though.

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